In Brief About India

Indian Map of Mahabharat period

India is one of the Encient civilization in the world. It's history behind with the Birth of The Indus Valley Civilization and the coming of The Aryans. There are two phases usually described as the Pre-vedic and Vedic age.

The Indus Valley Civilization
In ancient period India was used to called Golden Sperrow. (Sona ki Chirya).
In the 5th century India ruled under Ashoka. After who had converted to Buddhism, and spread in many parts of Asia.

         In the 8th century Islamic came India for the first time.

            And it was in the 17th century the Europeans came to India. ( Mughal came to India) Mughal ruled India from 1526 till 1707. Which was less than two centuries. When Babur was able to seize control of apart of Northern India to the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, so far about 180 year's of ruling.
Mughal ruler

             In 1612 British came to India. Which was East India Company. The Company (British) started ruling India by 1757. And the Mughal rule was end. British ruled Indian till 15th August 1947 midnight. Approximately 200 year's
British Rule

              In 15th August 1947 midnight India get Independent, the day when the UK parliament passed the Indian Independence Act 1947 transferring legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly. The day 15th August was deglaired as  National holiday. Which was celebrated as Independent Day throughout the Country and by the Indians.
Independent Day
15th August 1947

Video clip of First indepndent Day
15th August 1947
          In 26th January 1950, on which the Constitution of India came into effect by replacing the Government of India Act. On that date 26th January has honours as Republic Day. And deglaired National holiday. Which was celebrated as Republic Day throughout the country and by the Indians.
Video clip of First Republic Day Parade
26th January 1950.


Unknown said…
It's memorable moments

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